Hogmanay Blessings
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2023-12-31 05:50:12 UTC
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!

Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.

On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attempt”,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)
The Doctor
2023-12-31 12:20:54 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attempt”,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
David Dalton
2024-01-01 04:39:14 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attempt”,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)
The Doctor
2024-01-01 06:15:57 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attempt”,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
Post by David Dalton
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
Custos Custodum
2024-01-01 16:33:30 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attemptâ€?,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
Houghmagandie. AKA "Starting the new year with a bang".

Happy New Year to all and especially to any remaining SCS posters
still lurking here.
The Doctor
2024-01-01 17:53:53 UTC
Post by Custos Custodum
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attemptâ€?,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
Houghmagandie. AKA "Starting the new year with a bang".
Happy New Year to all and especially to any remaining SCS posters
still lurking here.
Just get off of GG as they will depeer 24 February!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
Custos Custodum
2024-01-01 19:38:15 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Custos Custodum
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attemptâ€?,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
Houghmagandie. AKA "Starting the new year with a bang".
Happy New Year to all and especially to any remaining SCS posters
still lurking here.
Just get off of GG as they will depeer 24 February!
??? Never been there. AFAIAC, GG was for clueless newbies who were too
dumb to work out how to set up and use a proper, free news client and
similarly free news server. It was all downhill after Google took over
The Doctor
2024-01-01 22:14:08 UTC
Post by Custos Custodum
Post by The Doctor
Post by Custos Custodum
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Hogmanay Blessings to any readers!
Though it is very early on Hogmanay here on the Avalon peninsula
of Newfoundland, it is later in Scotland, and much later in New Zealand,
and may be even later by the time you read this.
On alt.religion.druid I am describing my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age in the thread “Hogmanay attemptâ€?,
so check that thread if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects, which should include improved sexual
compatibility for many committed couples in time for the
New Zealand traditional midnight kiss.
Houghmagandie. AKA "Starting the new year with a bang".
Happy New Year to all and especially to any remaining SCS posters
still lurking here.
Just get off of GG as they will depeer 24 February!
??? Never been there. AFAIAC, GG was for clueless newbies who were too
dumb to work out how to set up and use a proper, free news client and
similarly free news server. It was all downhill after Google took over
Hear! Hear!!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com