[RSGB] Deadline for exam applications for the current syllabus
(too old to reply)
Stephen Cole
2019-08-16 07:54:38 UTC
If you were limited to a B you did the one of the lower papers. No sure
what is was called when you did your exams- probably the Intermediate.
The papers have some common questions but, the middle one you probably
did, doesn't have the harder questions which carry the marks for the A
and A* grades. From memory, the lower paper (below the one you probably
did) you can only get a C.
So, if you've don't do the Higher paper, answered the same questions,
but struggled with the more complex ones, you'd not have got a A* or
even an A, as some of the easy (available) questions you picked up marks
on would have been removed to keep the overall number questions etc the
Certainly correct in recent years.
Like I said, it sounds sensible so I can easily believe that it’s how
things are done now. Brian’s problem is that he played at being a teacher
for a couple of years when he couldn’t get another job after being forced
to abruptly end his engineering career, so he pretends he knows all there
is to know about education, to make up for his unqualified status I guess.
It’s best just to nod and smile at him in these circumstances, with luck he
won’t make too bad a fool of himself.
Repeating lies made up by the usual rejects may make you feel better but it
doesn’t change the facts.
The facts are, Brian, that you were an unqualified teacher. You’ve admitted
so yourself here several times in the past. It’s all in the archives.
It’s all in the archives, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
he is calling you a liar and wants an apology.....go to his door to see
his "certificates" and he will have the police waiting....tee hee
It’s all in the archives, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
so you say but I believe brian in this case ....
You’re still trying to worm your way into the Freemasons, then, Jim?
Thanks, Jim.
ha ha ...so I am...tee hee
They won’t have you, Jim, due to the shitted knickers thing. That’s a kink
too far, even for Masons, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
Jim GM4DHJ ...
2019-08-16 08:05:10 UTC
Post by Stephen Cole
If you were limited to a B you did the one of the lower papers. No sure
what is was called when you did your exams- probably the Intermediate.
The papers have some common questions but, the middle one you probably
did, doesn't have the harder questions which carry the marks for the A
and A* grades. From memory, the lower paper (below the one you probably
did) you can only get a C.
So, if you've don't do the Higher paper, answered the same questions,
but struggled with the more complex ones, you'd not have got a A* or
even an A, as some of the easy (available) questions you picked up marks
on would have been removed to keep the overall number questions etc the
Certainly correct in recent years.
Like I said, it sounds sensible so I can easily believe that it’s how
things are done now. Brian’s problem is that he played at being a teacher
for a couple of years when he couldn’t get another job after being forced
to abruptly end his engineering career, so he pretends he knows all there
is to know about education, to make up for his unqualified status I guess.
It’s best just to nod and smile at him in these circumstances, with luck he
won’t make too bad a fool of himself.
Repeating lies made up by the usual rejects may make you feel better but it
doesn’t change the facts.
The facts are, Brian, that you were an unqualified teacher. You’ve admitted
so yourself here several times in the past. It’s all in the archives.
It’s all in the archives, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
he is calling you a liar and wants an apology.....go to his door to see
his "certificates" and he will have the police waiting....tee hee
It’s all in the archives, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
so you say but I believe brian in this case ....
You’re still trying to worm your way into the Freemasons, then, Jim?
Thanks, Jim.
ha ha ...so I am...tee hee
They won’t have you, Jim, due to the shitted knickers thing. That’s a kink
too far, even for Masons, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
that will be it ....
